Agricultural Lime

Best Yielding Lime in Ireland

Gloun Stone Quarries produces exceptional quality calcium lime for agricultural use in our limestone quarry in Kenmare, Co. Kerry.

While Irish soil is generally of good quality, research by Teagasc shows that 80 to 85% of our soils are testing sub-optimal for major nutrients such as soil pH, phosphorous and potassium. Adding lime to the soil is a sustainable solution for this problem.

Sustainable Solution for More Fertile Soil

Applying  agri lime corrects the pH of the soil by reducing the acidity, allowing the release of nutrients stored in organic matter. This has many benefits, including improved soil productivity, increased earthworm activity and more palatable grass for livestock.

Furthermore, agri lime application provides a significant return on investment – for every €1 spent on lime you can expect to get €4 to €7 worth of additional grass yield, proving to be a cost effective method to improve grassland productivity and soil fertility. It’s also fast acting – generally you can expect to see results within 3-6 months from the first application.

Premium Quality Agri Lime

  • Our agricultural lime’s Total Neutralising Value is over 100%, making it one of the highest in Ireland.
  • 100% passes through a 3.35mm sieve. This means the product breaks down more quickly, making it fast acting.

Collection & Delivery Options Available

  • Can be picked up from our quarry in Kenmare, Co. Kerry.
  • We can also deliver to West Cork and South Kerry (minimum 10T required for delivery).

Concrete Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate the quantity of concrete required for your project. Please note that this is a guide only.

Slabs, Square Footings, or Walls

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